jQuery UI 1.8a1

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The first preview release for jQuery UI 1.8 is out. You can download it here:


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See the 1.8a1 Changelog for full details on what’s included in this release.

New Plugins

In addition to a number of bug fixes, this release adds three new plugins:

  • Position
  • Stackfix (update: later removed, changed back to bgigframe)
  • zIndex

Please help us test these out and beat them up. The plan is to have one more alpha releases, and then two beta releases. New plugins may be added still before the first beta. The plugins in the first 1.8 beta will be the plugins in 1.8 final.


A big thanks to all that have worked on creating these new plugins, incorporating them into this release, as well as all the bug fixes and other improvements that have gone into this release.

40 thoughts on “jQuery UI 1.8a1

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  2. Pingback: Learn jQuery Now» jQuery UI 1.8a1 Released Today

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  6. Pingback: jQuery UI 1.8 Preview Release | Choose Daily

  7. Good job. but what I am expecting in 1.8 is tabs functionality.
    1. tab panel paging and on the pane prev and next tab view buttons are required. Otherwise while adding tabs dynamically, it is difficult to control the number of rows tab panes are expanding.

    2. Also when adding a tab a x mark is added to close the tab which is at the centre. in the css its position should be corrected so that it appears at the top right corner.

    3. When adding tabs How to find out is there a tab already existing with the same title?

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  11. I need to get more modern and ditch my CSS only ethics and start putting this jQuery Oomph into my sites. … it’s not difficult but I’m old school accessibility – but I am now convinced this is good and worthwhile. Thanks a bundle.

  12. I’d like to see a consistent rounded-corner support in without using an image in IE. Would 1.8 have this feature properly working for IE?

  13. Can we get ticket# 4587 fixed? Not being able to use the back button or to provide deep linking with tabs is the only thing holding me up from switching a few projects over to UI.

    Awesome work!

  14. drochetti on said:

    jQueryUI is a great project, it’s really a pity that it moves so slow… I guess in three years we’ll have the 2.0 release! Anyway, keep up the good work.

  15. The memory leak bugs are still there in this new release version of 1.8a1 as reportedly previously in tickets #5010, #4906, #4644, #4566, #4565, #4460, #4409, #4408, #4188. I hope the developers can really put this on top priority as the new features would be pointless without the fundamental flaw fixed.

  16. Will the ThemeRoller/CSS for this cause any breaking changes to older CSS? I spent a lot of time in the Theme Roller getting things “just so” for my needs. What would be nice is if the ThemeRoller download included a theme.settings file that could be pasted into ThemeRoller so that you can start with an existing theme.

    Or maybe use OpenID logins to allow themeroller settings to be saved.

  17. @tracker1: ThemeRoller will accept an old theme url and give you an updated theme based on it. The only time you’d have to make changes is if we’ve added new levers to ThemeRoller. There are no new ones in 1.8.

    As for resuming previous edits, see your custom theme css file for a really long themeroller url in the comments. You can use this to get back to a theme and make a couple tweeks and then download a new one.

  18. @Reynier de la Rosa. There shouldn’t be any super major issues using 1.8 with a 1.7 theme, but there are css and possibly image changes in 1.8, so you’ll want to pick up a an updated 1.8 theme to grab those. Also, there are two new plugins in 1.8: button and autocomplete, so you wouldn’t be able to use those widgets without a 1.8 theme. If you have a custom theme, don’t fret, grab the url from line ~45 of jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css and visit that once 1.8 final is up on themeroller. That’ll have themeroller generate a 1.8 theme with the customizations you did for your 1.7 theme.

  19. @Richard (re @Scott) What Scott is talking about is the broken Link to ‘StackFix’ above under the ‘New Plugins’ section of the ‘jQuery UI 1.8a1’ stuff written by…. Yourself. 🙂

    You really should know what you have written and got links to… Might be an idea to Fix that before others start telling you all about it.

    If StackFix was replaced by something then changing/removing the link is the most obvious thing to do.

  20. Patrick on said:


    When looking at the tab definition in ui development, there is no “widget header” background. It would be nice if there were a format option for tabs that didn’t have the background and outline, but instead just clean tabs 🙂

    jQuery rocks!

  21. @Patrick – This kind of customization is well handled by the jQuery UI CSS Framework. You can create a custom theme by hand that doesn’t have these styles, or override them using plugin-specific. For more, see the jQuery Cookbook chapter written by Filament Group.

  22. Nested sortables sound exciting, but are pretty unmanageable in this implementation–lots of jitter. I think I’ll be implementing my own version of this using hover events to connect sortables on the fly if possible.

  23. Thanks for this great product!
    I have a question:
    I can connect to sortable lists 1-2, 2-1.
    But when I connect three sortable lists 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-3, 3-1, 3-2
    it only connects two of them. Is this possible to connect 3 sortable lists?

  24. … regarding my previous post on how to connect more than two sortables.
    The way to connect multiple sortables is not to call
    sortable() multiple times:
    $(‘#list1’).sortable(‘option’, ‘connectWith’, ‘#list2’);
    $(‘#list1’).sortable(‘option’, ‘connectWith’, ‘#list3’);
    but to call sortable() once with multi-selector:
    $(‘#list1’).sortable(‘option’, ‘connectWith’, ‘#list2,#list3’);
    – works like a charm.