jQuery UI 1.9 Beta

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The first beta release for jQuery UI 1.9 is out! After eight milestone releases, two hundred fixed tickets, 2,100 commits, and three brand-new widgets we’re looking forward to your feedback and the now close-by final release.

Here’s an overview of the big changes:

  • Autocomplete accessibility updates: We’re now using a live-region to guide screenreader users when using autocomplete, making the widget a lot more accessible.
  • Accordion API redesign and accessibility updates: This also finally addresses the accordion-flicker problem: No more pixel-shifting of content below the accordion during animations.
  • Tabs API redesign and accessibility updates: Tabs are now fully keyboard accesible and make proper use of ARIA attributes.
  • Position API redesign: Along with some redesign we’ve also added new features: You can now use other elements beside window to run collision-detection against, and there’s a “flipfit” mode that combines the two existing modes, which themselve got better. When working with the using callback, you get feedback about the positioning result, allowing you to position flyout arrows or other direction indicators.
  • Lots of new features in the widget factory: The internal API for writing widgets has gotten a lot better. The two most notable new methos: _on lets you deal with events, nicely integrated into the widget instance, and _super lets you call a parent widget’s method of the same name, which makes extending existing widget a breeze.
  • New widget: Menu: Has been around for a while since 1.8, then hidden with the autocomplete file. Its now finally here!
  • New widget: Tooltip: An accessible, event-delegation- supporting tooltip with the option to have any kind of (asynchronous) content show for any element. And its themable, like any other widget.
  • New widget: Spinner: Our second text-input widget, similar to HTML5’s <input type="number">, but giving you much greater control and including full localization support, via Globalize.

For a full list of changes, see the list of 1.9 fixed tickets. You can read more about the API redesigns in a previous blog post. We’re working on a full changelog and upgrade guide for the final release.


File Downloads

Git (contains source files, with @VERSION not yet replaced with 1.9.0-beta.1, base theme only)


Note: please do NOT use the comments section of this blog post for reporting bugs. Bug reports should be filed in the jQuery UI Bug Tracker and support questions should be posted on the jQuery Forum.

If you have feedback on us doing our first beta release for jQuery UI 1.9, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you.

25 thoughts on “jQuery UI 1.9 Beta

  1. jqueryusr on said:

    OMG it’s finally here! Been waiting a LONG time for this.

    Congrats team!!!

  2. Zaharia Constantin on said:

    any ideea way is available on google Google Libraries API ? anyone knows ?

  3. @Zaharia the final release will be there, beta or others inbetween won’t. Not something we can fix.

    Though what we can fix is to get it on jQuery’s CDN. Will look into that.

  4. Zaharia Constantin on said:

    any ideea when when will be available or when the finished version will be released?

  5. congrats team.
    Can’t wait to use it, especially I have been waiting for menu and tooltip controls forever.

  6. SpareBytes on said:

    @ZahariaConstantin, I don’t know when the final release will be but guessing from the 1.8 release, probably 2 months.

    1.8 Timeline
    1.8b: Jan 20, 2010
    1.8rc1: Jan 27
    1.8rc2: Feb 16
    1.8: March 23

  7. Kim Tranjan on said:

    That’s really cool, thank you guys.
    What is the state of the jQuery UI Grid?

  8. pilou on said:

    HURRAY! Hip-hip hurray 🙂

    Thank You Jquery IU developers, I’ve beend waitig for this since October.

  9. looks good so far, any plans to get the grid control in the 1.9 release or is that 2.0 when we will see that, I’m excited to see it.

  10. Thanks guys – my own UI code is being ripped out and replaced by jQuery UI, so I’ll just jump to this beta release. A quick like for like change from 1.8 s to 1.9 beta seems to work just fine in provisional testing. Look forward to final release. Cheers!

  11. i promise to make some donations for the second time to treat you guys some coffee once this one released. hehe.. thank you so muchh.. 🙂

  12. Hello JQuery UI Team,
    I have lost the RSS feed of your site on my browser and cannot find it anymore on your site.
    I would like to subscribe again, can you tell me where I can find it.

  13. Renato on said:

    Great job as always. I’ve been following the evolution of the Menu widget since milestone 6. Congrats and thanks!

  14. nirre on said:


    Will draggable/droppable have touch support for ios and android devices for the final release?

  15. jiang on said:

    the new tabs, 1.9 beta, about ajax, i get just json from service, and put it into a table front end and then prepend to panel, how can i do it ??