jQuery UI 1.7.2

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The second maintenance release for jQuery UI 1.7 is out. You can download it here:


File Downloads


Google Ajax Libraries API

Custom Download Builder


See the 1.7.2 Changelog for full details on what’s included in this release.

New Themes

Filament Group has done it again. They’ve given us 7 more beautiful themes in the ThemeRoller Gallery:

Dark Hive
Dark Hive Theme Preview
Eggplant Theme Preview
Flick Theme Preview
Le Frog
Le Frog Theme Preview
Overcast Theme Preview
Pepper Grinder
Pepper Grinder Theme Preview
Sunny Theme Preview

Overhauled Download Builder

A huge thanks to Gavin Mulligan, one of our newest contributors, for doing a complete overhaul of our download builder, fixing issues people were having with invalid zip files and missing theme files on certain browsers and platforms.

Also, a big thanks to all that helped identify issues in the old and test the new download builder: Aaron Barker, agnawt, Attila, Bear, Beaver6813, boater21, Brian McManus, brucealdridge, cblaze22, cioa, Cloudream, compsagnathus, davidcoallier, dgm, dp, dpaviani, engemasa, evo, garrardkitchen, Glauco Morais, gmaddockgreene, gtrplayer5150, hanmari, Hans Petter, hdragomir, joern.zaefferer, joldag, Julián C. Pérez, kareem, Karl, Keith Barrows, Kelheinz, khinester, Kim Rowden, KingCode, Lakshmi, latrippi, linuxjuggler, Logictrap, Matthew, mawcs, MorningZ, nilicule, p8w, Paul Bakaus, Petre KOSTOV, Phoenix Sol, pnanduri76, rdworth, rsm08, rwalsh, Rwhitbeck, Scott González, Scott Jehl, SexyBeast, SiCo, smorgen, sosensible, sotonin, Spencer, ssr, steenbag, steve_goodman, Todd Parker, tonybibbs, utobia, WanderingZombie

This Week in jQuery UI vol. 7

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A couple days late to press this week. Friday and Saturday were filled with the first ever JavaScript Conference, JSConf 2009. What a weekend! jQuery UI was represented by Scott González and myself (Richard Worth). Scott gave a presentation on creating a widget using the jQuery UI widget factory. I did an introduction to jQuery UI.


I mentioned the jQuery UI 1.6 release last week as it was available for download. Now the full changelog and blog post are out.

Next up is 1.7.2. We made some progress on that during the sprint. A few more issues to wrap up, and that should be out this week. Speaking of the sprint, thanks to all that participated.

Design & Development

With 1.6 finalized and 1.7 nearing a freeze, the jQuery UI team is shifting focus to 1.8 and beyond. With the recent plugin prioritization, we updated the planned plugins list on the Dev & Planning wiki home. Our focus is currently on the high priority plugins. Please take a look at those plugin pages and see if we’ve missed anything. If you have ideas about each plugin’s requirements, design, or specifications, feel free to edit the page, or leave a comment. If you’ve don’t have a wiki account, there’s a link at the top to request access. We’d love your input.

Sites Using jQuery UI

We maintain a list of Sites Using jQuery UI. If you have a site or find a site using jQuery UI, feel free to add it to this wiki page. New this week:


Open source projects

  • Osimo – A jQuery/jQuery UI enhanced forum system
  • pqp – PHP Quick Profiler
  • Remedie – Pluggable media center application

Tutorials and Blog Posts

ThemeRoller-ready Plugins

See also

As always, be sure to follow This Week in jQuery on the jQuery blog.

jQuery UI 1.6

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The legacy compatibility update release, jQuery UI 1.6 is out. You can download it here:


File Downloads


Google Ajax Libraries API

Custom Download Builder


See the 1.6 Changelog for full details on what’s included in this release.


This is a legacy update release for 1.5. It is intended for anyone still using jQuery 1.2.6. If you’re able to upgrade to jQuery 1.3+, it is highly recommended that you use jQuery UI 1.7, which is the latest stable release.

This Week in jQuery UI vol. 6

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The 1.6 release was finalized last night, and is available for download on jqueryui.com. The blog post will go out as soon as the changelog is finished and Google’s CDN is updated.

Reminder: this is a legacy compatibility release for anyone still needing to use jQuery UI with jQuery 1.2.6, and will not be further developed. It is highly recommended you upgrade to 1.7 as soon as possible.

The Sprint

The jQuery UI Sprint is happening right now. Come join us! See the sprint wiki page for full info.

Sites Using jQuery UI

We maintain a list of Sites Using jQuery UI. If you have a site or find a site using jQuery UI, feel free to add it to this wiki page. New this week:


Tutorials and Blog Posts



See also

If you liked This Week in jQuery UI, you’ll love This Week in jQuery.

jQuery UI Worldwide Sprint: Now scheduled for April 17 & 18

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The jQuery UI Team is pleased to announce its second Worldwide sprint, to take place this Friday April 17th and Saturday 18th, 2009. Two full days of testing, fixes, documentation, and general getting-stuff-done. Our goal is ready the 1.7.2 release, so we can start focusing on 1.8 and beyond, and we invite any and all to help. Whether you have an hour, or an afternoon, come and run really fast with us.

How Will It Work?

We’ll all gather in IRC (#jqueryui-sprint on freenode) throughout the two-day sprint, with a couple of scheduled meetings to keep everyone on the same page, and make sure things keep moving. Other than that we’ll just be doing as much as we can, as fast as we can. Opening tickets, closing tickets, breaking stuff, fixing other things, and everyone’s favorite pastime: documentation (and demos). Take a look at last year’s sprint page to see what we accomplished.

I’m New Here. Can I Help?

Absolutely. If you’ve thought about contributing to jQuery or jQuery UI before, but never really found the right moment or momentum, this sprint is the perfect time to get involved. A number of members of the jQuery UI Team will be around to help people get started, especially if it’s your first time. We’ll help you help us, in whatever way you want. That could be testing, documentation, ticket triage, bug fixes, writing demos, contributing to the planning wiki or even just playing with new stuff as we churn it out, and providing valuable feedback.

More Details

We’ve created a wiki page to help coordinate this big event. It has some more details on what is planned, how to jump in, and will be updated throughout the sprint to show status and next steps.

Tell us you’re coming!

We invite you to add your name to the wiki page as a participant, if you’re interested, even if you have only a few hours (or aren’t sure how much time you’ll have). Also, feel free to specify what you’re willing and/or able to do. Thanks!

This Week in jQuery UI vol. 5

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Releases and the Sprint

We pushed everything back one week. So the 1.6 final release will be next Wed. April 15th. The sprint will be next Friday and Saturday, April 17th and 18th, in preparation for the 1.7.2 release on Wed. April 22nd. We’ve created a wiki page for the sprint to start the planning:


You’re invited to sign up there if you plan to join, even if just for an hour. Also, there will be a full sprint blog post on Monday with more details.

Sites Using jQuery UI

We maintain a list of Sites Using jQuery UI. If you have a site or find a site using jQuery UI, feel free to add it to this wiki page. New this week:


  • blaq design – manufacturer of bike accessories and bags
  • CG2.cc – ConcertoGate(MMOPRG) role simulator
  • Rig-Bits – Find bits for your computer and PC Bits Database (under development).

Open source projects

Tutorials and Blog Posts

See also

Stay tuned for tonight’s installment of ‘This Week in jQuery’ over on the jQuery blog.

This Week in jQuery UI vol. 4

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No releases this week. The 1.7.2 release was rescheduled for Apr. 15.

Plugin Prioritization

The jQuery UI Team completed a prioritization this week. This is the second time we’ve completed this process. The first was in late 2008, when we changed the direction of the 1.6 and 1.7 releases, and focused on ThemeRoller v2 and the jQuery UI CSS Framework. The Development & Planning wiki home page has been updated with the priority column for each plugin. We welcome any help in getting these plugins designed and built over the next couple of months. Note that this priority is not tied directly to our release cycle. This means the 1.8 release will not necessarily contain the plugins that currently have the highest priority. But it gives us as a team some focus and sequencing. For example, there are a number of high priority utility plugins right now that we’re tackling first because they’re dependencies of a number of medium priority widgets. So we need to design and build them first.

Save The Date: jQuery UI Sprint

We’re planning a sprint for next Thu.-Sat. (Apr. 9-11). It will all be online, and anyone is welcome to participate as little or as much as they’re able. More details to come next week.


The first issue of JsMag included an article on jQuery 1.3, and was featured in the first volume of This Week in jQuery. The second issue was published this week and includes an article on jQuery UI.

Q&A with jQuery UI Release Manager Richard Worth

It was my turn this week. Steve Reynolds is back with another jQuery UI team member interview:

Sites Using jQuery UI

We maintain a list of Sites Using jQuery UI. If you have a site or find a site using jQuery UI, feel free to add it to this wiki page. New this week:


Tutorials and Blog Posts


Be sure to check out This Week in jQuery.

This Week in jQuery UI vol. 3

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Welcome back to This Week in jQuery UI.


jQuery UI 1.6rc2.6

Things were looking good for getting 1.6 final out this week, but we’ve still got one issue with the Resizable plugin. Big thanks to Scott González and Nick Levett for working on this. We’re about half-way there. In the meantime, you can beat up 1.6rc2.6. This includes the resizable fixes Scott was able to merge. It improves things, but we still want to fix it the rest of the way. Here’s the lone ticket: #4334 – Real World Image Cropper demo is broken.

Sites Using jQuery UI

We maintain a list of Sites Using jQuery UI. If you have a site or find a site using jQuery UI, feel free to add it to this wiki page. New this week:


  • Arcadya – Torrents & subtitles for TV series (iGoogle/Netvibes style)
  • Beltrami – Product selector, picture albums, searchfunctions, …
  • EA – Video Games
  • iRich – Keep tracking your expenses online. (Chinese 中文)
  • kolko.bg – The only reliable Bulgarian Internet shopping assistant.
  • MacWorld.fr
  • PCworld.fr
  • Poker Square – single-player card game
  • PartyHandbook – UK nightclub event listing guide

Open Source Projects



How about a sprint?

We did a jQuery UI sprint a year ago last week, and it rocked. So we’re thinking of doing another.  Would you be interested? If so, how would you like to contribute? Tests, code fixes, documentation, demos, tutorials, answering questions, anything? Let us know.

That’s it for this week. Stay tuned for tonight’s installment of ‘This Week in jQuery’ over on the jQuery blog.

jQuery UI 1.6rc2.6

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The legacy preview release, jQuery UI 1.6rc2.6, is available for download and testing.


You can download the development bundle here:


or check out from svn or reference individual files here:



If you find any issues, please file in the bug tracker

http://dev.jqueryui.com/newticket (note: requires registration)

and be sure to set the ‘version’ to ‘1.6rc2.6’ and the ‘milestone’ to ‘1.6’.

About the 1.6 release

As announced previously, this release is in preparation for a final 1.6 release based on 1.6rc2 that will provide an updated version for those currently using jQuery 1.2.6 and jQuery UI 1.5.3, and not yet able to update to jQuery 1.3 and jQuery UI 1.7. Please note, as soon as the 1.6 release is finalized, it will be frozen as legacy and no longer actively developed. Thanks.

This Week in jQuery UI vol. 2

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Another week in the The Year of jQuery UI. Here’s what happened:



The first maintenance release for 1.7 came this week: jQuery UI 1.7.1. Here’s the changelog. We’ve made some much-needed updates to the download builder. We’re hopeful this will fix the problems some people were having with certain browser and OS configurations. If you still have any issues, be sure to file them in the bug tracker (note: requires registration).


The latest legacy preview release has been out just over a week and has only two issues (so far) filed against it. Things are looking good for being able to release 1.6 final on March 25th.


jQuery UI ThemeRoller was a finalist for an SXSWi Web Award this week. Here’s the coverage from Wired: http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2009/03/sxsw-2009-web-a.html. Congrats and thanks to Filament Group and everyone else on the jQuery UI Team that has contributed to ThemeRoller.

Sites Using jQuery UI

We maintain a list of Sites Using jQuery UI. If you have a site or find a site using jQuery UI, feel free to add it to this wiki page. New this week:


  • Ampparit.com – Finnish news aggregator
  • CablesforLess.com – Saving the World… from high priced cables
  • ChessBomb.com – Broadcasts chess events online with realtime computer analysis
  • cloudkick – the easiest way to manage the cloud
  • HelloMovies – Find thousands of movies you can watch instantly
  • Jiglu – intelligent tagging and communities
  • ManagingMeals.com – Discover recipes, plan meals, create grocery lists.
  • USCarPartsDirect.com – US Car Parts and Domestic Accessories
  • Welcome to Redeemer – A young church dedicated to serving the city of Lincoln, Nebraska by living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Open Source Projects

ThemeRoller-ready Plugins

Remember, ThemeRoller and the jQuery UI CSS Framework aren’t just for jQuery UI plugins. So if you have a plugin, what about making it ThemeRoller-ready? Or if you have a favorite plugin that you’d like to see ThemeRoller-ready, send a donation (or at the very least a thank you note) to the plugin maintainer, and encourage them to add support.



We’d love to hear how we’re doing, and how we can do better. Leave a comment, talk to us on twitter, post something on the mailing list. Here are some links: Let’s chat. Thanks.

That’s it for this week. Stay tuned for tonight’s installment of ‘This Week in jQuery’ over on the jQuery blog.